100114 Coffee & Rooms

We were surprised to find a posting by blogger foodDustbin (in Cantonese means will eat anything) who came around to savour the food at Oldtown White Coffee Grand and then stroll down to M Boutique Hotel, Ipoh. Here is a snippet of the review;

Just came back from M Boutique and Signature Old Town White Coffee and I can’t wait to share with you guys of the photos that I have taken! Old Town White Coffee is everywhere in Malaysia but here, being called Signature Old Town White Coffee is totally different concept as compared to other outlets as they offer different menu which is more superior as well as the ambiance is more comfy with classic interior design. Do pay them a visit if you wish to have a better and quiet environment to catch up with your loved ones. None-the-less, it is definitely a good place for photo shooting! 😉

After having our late lunch, we moved to M Boutique Hotel and M Shop to have a look. The interior design comes with a fusion of Malaysia’s colonial past and modern style which is quite unique and this kind of concept is in trend nowadays which can attracts those hipsters to pay them a visit. You can see that they have put a lot of effort into interior decoration from the photos below. They have put on lots of comfy sofa to bring out the homey feel and different designs of light or lamp to brighten up the area as well as for decoration purpose.

For the more photos and the full review, please click here.

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