From M Boutique To Hong Kong, With Love.

Over the past few weeks, the M Boutique Hotel Family was in a flurry, as we were going to receive our first two Hong Kong artiste! Undoubtedly, in Ipoh Malaysia, since Cantonese is the predominant spoken chinese dialect, we began to see that our family was divided (for once!) as we had fans of Tavia Yeung (楊怡) go against fans of Nancy Wu (胡定欣) in our hotel! The M Boutique family was worried that we could not live up to their expectations as we are just a small hotel, but thanks to our friends at Jazzy Group of Companies, we decided to give it a shot. Thanks to their faith in us, we managed to catch a glimpse of Tavia Yeung (楊怡) and Nancy Wu (胡定欣)!

So from all your M Boutique Hotel fans including that of Ipoh, Malaysia, we would like to send our love to Jazzy Group of Companies, including Tavia Yeung (楊怡) and Nancy Wu (胡定欣) of course! So tall, pretty yet so humble! We do hope to be able to welcome you back to our small Hotel family in the near future.

在过去的两个周末,M Boutique酒店弥漫着影星的气息,通过 Jazzy Group 娱乐公司的悉心安排两位来自香港当红的演员艺人下榻M Boutique 酒店。这两位美丽动人的贵宾就是无人不晓花旦–杨怡和胡定欣.
这两位都凭着无数的著名电视剧叫好叫座深得人心。此行程她们都是以代言人的身份来马来西亚怡保做宣传。虽然行程编满,两位贵宾无论何时何地都面带笑容,和蔼可亲。M Boutique 家族也非常有幸的与杨怡和胡定欣合影以留念.
M Boutique家族至诚的感谢Jazzy Group娱乐公司的合作和慷慨的安排. 让国外的演员艺人也能感受大马人的热情和宾至如归的感觉。

更多新鲜事请留意M Boutique 酒店网站以及面子书!

M Boutique Ipoh:
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